SuperCrit season has started

October 20, 2013

The SuperCrit season has begun on a windy but fine Thursday evening. The winners from week 1 were:

Colin Payne (novice men)
Karina Joyce (novice women)
Glen Sinnott (E grade)
Geoff Miles (D grade)
Glenn Moorby (C grade)
Blake Hore (B grade)
Chris Filiatrault (A grade)

Ride365 Most Aggressive Riders: Angus Bell (Race 2), Jason Chalker (Race 3)

Race schedule for next Thursday 24th October:

Novice men and women – 17:50 for 15min + 2 laps
E and D grade – 18:11 for 26min + 2 laps
C, B and A grade – 18:43 for 39min + 2 laps
